Washington Global Health Fund encourages organizations to seek other sources of funding. Below are a list of links to organizations that provide support for global health technologies.
Specific Grant Opportunities
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Office of Innovation and Development Alliances, invites applications for Development Innovation Ventures (DIV). DIV aims to find and support breakthrough solutions to the world’s most important development challenges. DIV seeks applicants that have ideas for addressing development challenges more effectively and more cheaply. The application deadlines are August 15, 2020, December 16, 2020 and April 15, 2020.
The Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship: the Skoll Foundation presents the Skoll Awards for Social Entrepreneurship each year to a select few social entrepreneurs whose proven innovations have demonstrated impact on some of the world’s most pressing problems. The Skoll Award recognizes organizations with the potential to not only be individually successful, but also to catalyze large-scale, system-level change.
Humanitarian Innovation Fund: HIF is permanently accepting proposals up to £20,000 for the recognition, invention and dissemination of an innovation. They also have large grants that support the development, implementation and testing of an innovation and start from £75,000.
USAID’s Global Development Alliance (GDA): GDAs are a particular type of public-private partnership whereby USAID works with the private sector to tackle important business challenges and development problems – in a replicable, sustainable and scalable manner. USAID works with private sector partners to advance mutual interests while leveraging at least $1 in resources from private sector partners for every $1 USAID contributes. Application closes January 31, 2020.
General Opportunities and Resources
The Life Sciences Discovery Fund supports innovative research in Washington state to promote life sciences competitiveness, enhance economic vitality, and improve health and health care.
The National Institutes of Health offers Small Business Research Funding.
Find grant opportunities from the Federal government at grants.gov.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has specific funding opportunities in all priority areas and exploratory opportunities in Grand Challenges for Global Health.
The Washington State Department of Commerce has staff dedicated to helping global health companies expand and succeed.
The Export Financing Assistance Center of Washington will help organizations securing funding to export their products.
The Center for Advanced Manufacturing Puget Sound allows anyone to search their member list or submit an RFP when looking for a manufacturer.
Impact Washington provides coaching, training and resources to help Washington-based manufacturers grow their business.