
“In addition to monetary support, WGHF introduced us to members of Washington State’s global health community, including SIGN, a company who develops and distributes an innovative internal fixation device to treat severe bone fractures in the developing world. This is a great example of how you brought together two companies working in the global health space and made a real impact.”

Justin Hulvershorn, MD, PhD
Chief Science Officer, Mirador Biomedical

“The WGHF grant is critical in our company’s ability to reach overseas markets where the need for dengue control is essential.  It is a key step in SpringStar’s goal to bring effective mosquito control to the 2 billion people world-wide at risk from dengue.”

Michael Banfield
President, SpringStar, Inc

“The WGHF grant enabled  SIGN to hire additional engineers and machinists.  Filling these new positions helped speed up the design, testing and manufacture of our pediatric orthopaedic implant.  This device will prevent disabilities in children affected by trauma and deformities throughout the developing world.”

Jeanne Dillner
CEO, SIGN Fracture Care International

“The Washington Global Health funding for low rate production has allowed CDI to partner with Provail to create jobs in Washington State.  This partnership with Provail is providing work for severely handicapped people whose jobs mean much more than a paycheck.”

Laura McLaughlin
Project Manager, Cascade Designs, Inc

“Our partnership with the Washington Global Health Fund has had a significant impact on my business perspective. WGHF provides critical resources in the form of education as well as funding. In fact, Aseptica is a viable business today entirely because of support from WGHF, WGHA, WBBA and the Washington State Department of Commerce.”

David Hatton
CEO, Aseptica, Inc

“I had the opportunity to observe an orthopedic surgery at a mission hospital in rural Kenya where they were using the SIGN nail. When I told the surgeons that I sit on a Board that had chosen to give SIGN a grant to expand their production, they were thrilled and started applauding right there in the operating room. This grant program is having an impact on jobs in Washington and on patients in the most underserved areas of the world.”

Anne Bugge
VP, Global Public Health, SonoSite