About The Fund

Eligible recipients of the WGHF funds are nonprofit organizations, private-sector companies, and public research institutions engaged in development, production, promotion, and/or delivery of global health technologies and products.

Projects can be, but are not limited to, global health technology development (drugs, devices, and diagnostics), mobile technology applications, agricultural technologies with global health applications, and technologies or programs to address trauma or chronic disease burdens.

Basic research projects are not eligible for funding. Public-private partnerships are eligible.

The request for proposals (RFP) is revised during each round of funding.


In the first three years, WGHF awarded $808,000 for the creation of 27 new jobs and 60,200 devices that will directly benefit more than 35,000 people.

Grantees leveraged the funding provided and secured an additional $816,000 for their projects. To read our grantees’ own words about how we’ve help them click here.