Q: How often does WGHA release requests for proposals (RFP) and award grants?
A: The frequency and number of grants awarded depends on funding available to make grants. Historically, RFPs have been released in the fall and 2-4 grants have been awarded. Click here for more information about the application process and the 2020 grants.
Q: What is the typical size of the grant awarded by WGHA?
A: The grant size varies and depends on the proposed project and the funding available.
Q: Do you fund manufacturing or job creation outside of Washington State?
A: No, all job creation should take place in Washington State. However, some funded work such as field research or product distribution will naturally take place outside of the United States.
Q: Which countries count as a developing country for this funding?
A: There is no list we are using to define a developing country. USAID and WHO have lists that include many of the world’s developing countries, but all lists use different criteria. The most important factor is if the target population is suffering from disparate assess to treatment or burden of disease. The proposal should explain how the target group is underserved.
Q: Which diseases are considered major global health issues?
A: It is up to the applicant to make the case that the health issue they are addressing is impacting the world’s most vulnerable people.
Q: Are there old applications available for review?
A: No, we do not share applications from past grant cycles with potential grantees.
Q: The following sentence in the 2020 RFP is unclear: “The size of the grants is variable, and grant awards will not exceed $205,000.” Can you please indicate whether the total of all grant awards will not exceed $205,000, or if any one grant award cannot exceed that amount?
A: It will be up to the Awards Committee to decide how many and what size grants to award. They have $205,000 to award. It could be one grant or a few smaller grants. Requests for funding should not exceed $205,000, however, a smaller request is fine. If you request the maximum amount, the Awards Committee may choose to award a smaller amount.
Q: If we submit our proposal early, can we get feedback and resubmit before the deadline?
A: No, we do not have the capacity to provide an initial review and feedback for applications submitted before the deadline. All feedback will be provided at the end of the award process.
Q: Are there any restrictions on overhead or expenditures under this grant?
A: Yes. Indirect costs must not exceed 12% of the budget. Expenditures for the following are not allowable: costs not within the budget, facilities construction and remodeling costs, meals not associated with approved travel or exceeding the state per diem guidelines, alcoholic beverages, costs of purchasing, leasing or maintaining computers not essential for performing the activities set forth in the scope of work, legal consultation associated with securing intellectual property protection or rights, and equipment or computer purchases in the final year of a multi-year award without prior WGHA approval.